Never forget
And poetry is the silence between the words.
Join me and other poets on June 29
The final issue of Crosswinds Poetry Journal contains my poem “Division”
The final issue of Crosswinds Poetry Journal contains my poem “Division.” They have regularly published my poetry for which I am grateful. Crosswinds will be much missed. Thank you Editor In-Chief David Dragone and colleagues. Purchase a copy here:
My political ideal as well
Volume II of The Power of the Feminine I: poems from the feminine perspective contains 2 of my poems
Volume II of The Power of the Feminine I: poems from the feminine perspective containing 2 of my poems is now available from Amazon in Paperback or Kindle. Thank you Editors Chris Cooper and Donna Biffar.
See you at the Barnes and Noble Central Park, Fredericksburg VA on Saturday April 27 starting at 1 p.m.
See you at the Barnes and Noble Central Park, Fredericksburg VA on Saturday April 27 starting at 1 p.m. They also have Stone Bird, my newest collection.
Helen Vendler has helped me school my ear and eye for poetry
The first 5 who mention this post as they visit me at the Barnes and Noble store in Fredericksburg VA on this Saturday, April 27 beginning at 1 p.m. will receive a free gift book.
The first 5 who mention this post as they visit me at the Barnes and Noble store in Fredericksburg VA on this Saturday, April 27 beginning at 1 p.m. will receive a free gift book.