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Author: David

I will be signing copies of my poetry collections at the Fredericksburg VA branch of the Regional Library Saturday March 15 from 11 2 p.m.

I will be signing copies of my poetry collections at the Fredericksburg VA branch of the Regional Library Saturday March 15 from 11 2 p.m.

I will be signing copies of my newest poetry collection as well as other books at the Fredericksburg VA branch of the Regional Library Saturday March 15 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Stop by to say hello if you are downtown this weekend.

Thoughts on the storm

Thoughts on the storm

For a couple of decades, I debated some folks about whether we were a democracy or a republic. (Of course, we are a democratic republic.)

Now I realize many did not want a democracy if it means their side ever loses.

I debated whether affirmative action discriminated against white people. Whether Black people had “enough rights.”

Now I realize many wanted discrimination for white people.

I debated whether the Federal government was too big.

Now I realize that many thought it too large if it gave support to the “wrong” people.

I debated whether the Federal government was taking away our rights.

Now I realize that the “right” many most feared losing was the right to take away the rights of others.

Those who truly are Conservative are appalled by the radical and destructive administration.  

So the continuing support of the many for Trumpism makes them anything but Conservative.

Now I know what needs to be argued against…and what must be argued for.